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Getting Started With Oils

To purchase oils – Grab your Bundle here

I am so excited that you are here and you are interested in learning more about our Starter bundles. I have been using Young Living since my youngest was little. I had started to research toxins in the home with the desire to create a healthier and safer home for my family. We started our journey minimising chemicals and toxins and also kicked out candles to work on the air quality in our home.

These oils have supported us in more ways than I can even mention! Overall wellness, cleaning, sleep, emotional support and more! Our home also smells AMAZING as we try different blends of oils!

The starter bundle is an excellent way to start your low tox journey. It’s a great way to make a start in switching the nasties in your home with plant based products.

Why the Starter Bundles? Well, it’s the VALUE you get! The bundle comes with 12 of the most popular oils, products and your choice of diffuser valued at a discounted rate. (24% off retail)

It’s not just a box of 12 oils that make your home smell good, it’s what you can replace and make with them. This is where the exceptional value lies.



FAQ What does it mean to be a Young Living Member?

When you get a starter bundle you will get 24% off retail prices on all future orders with no obligation to ever order again. No fees, no strings attached, and no friends you ever have to sell to!

When you join with me we have a private Facebook community group designed to help you familiarise yourself with oils, learn new uses and get recipes for them.

You will also get access to an exclusive House of Ruthies member’s area – which you can use as much or as little as you want. I will also send you a special Welcome pack showing you exactly how to use your bundle of oils and a special welcome gift!

See Below what the Starter Bundle Includes….


There are other diffuser options that you can choose from – the Desert mist, Dewdrop are simple. Heres a Diffuser comparison chart …


The 12 Oils that come in your starter bundle are the most loved and popular oils. There are literally hundreds of uses! They are the oils that you just keep coming back to use all the time!

Why Young Living FAQ. Read here why and for more FAQ…


Below are more options to begin your journey to a low toxin home. You can get rid of synthetic fragrances and lower your cleaning chemical load. Thieves Bundles are a great way to switch to natural cleaning.

The Thieves Bundles include everything you will need to change to natural based cleaning and ditch all the chemicals! All those products that have fragrance and rated toxic can now go! Remember even eco based products that have been “green washed” to look ok aren’t.


In addition to getting your Premium Starter Kit to sign up for Essential Rewards (* Completely optional) for the best overall savings and monthly perks! Essential Rewards (ER) is our FREE loyalty program where you can earn shop credits and earn gifts every purchase.

Essential Rewards is the best way to replace more products in your home for plant based products and get money back for doing so. There are plant based products for baby care, kids, laundry care, probiotics, personal care.

This is what I like to call our wellness box and it gets delivered to our door every month! Its our one stop shop and it’s like christmas when it comes! WE GET 20% BACK with every monthly purchase – which is just the best!!) The minimum monthly order is around $75 AUD (about 50PV). Remember you can cancel anytime, no commitment, no fees.

As a thank you for choosing me to support you on your journey with oils you will receive a special welcome package and gifts to get you started! I’ll also welcome you into a a wonderful community so we keep learning and growing…


How to Get Your Bundle Step By Step Guide


  1. Click Become a Member * This means you get the products wholesale not retail, no fees and no strings attached! Make sure the number 30212959 appears in both the “enroller and sponsor”ID fields
  2. Choose your starter bundle. The Premium Starter Bundle with 12 oils is the most popular and it comes with the most loved 12 Essential Oils. You also get to choose your diffuser. We love the Aria, Dessert Mist and Lantern diffusers – real decor pieces fro your home! Once you get your starter kit you will not miss candles!! You will want a diffuser in every room! If you are wanting the Thieves bundle then this is under the “specialty kits”.
  3. Select YES for ER (Essential Rewards). This way you use your Starter Kit as your first month in ER. You will get $10 credit just for doing this in credit! *Please note this is optional, you do not have to shop monthly, you can cancel anytime and join at any time.
  4. Next you can choose to set up your ER aka Monthly Wellness Box. This is the fastest way to ditch the chemicals and toxins in your home and in the most cost effective way. (Did you know I use one bottle of Thieves to clean my whole house and it lasts around 5 months!) Seedlings.  baby wipes and the Tender Tush baby cream were my go to with Jesse. See my stories for lots of ER Ideas…
  5. Enter your personal details, create a user name, password and pin (keep these on hand)
  6. And now all you have to do is get excited as you are on your way!
  7. I will be notified that you have joined with me and I will send you an email welcoming you into the community very soon! My community is to help and familiarise yourself with oils. We have classes to educate you, webinars to inspire you and a wonderful people to connect with. If you ever want to connect then just DM me on Instagram (@houseofruthies) Please check your mailbox for some goodies from me.

Please know …..You can just get your kit if thats what you desire. Or if you want to get rewarded each month on ER you can choose that. Remember too that you can cancel ER anytime with zero strings attached or any involvement!