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Remembrance Day 11th November

I didn’t want today to pass by without teaching my kids some things about the importance of who has gone before us in our past to pay for our freedom.

“We acknowledge our inheritance by honouring those before us who paid a price so that we get for free what cost them so much” Mark Varughese

What is Remembrance Day?

Remembrance Day is also know as Poppy Day. It is a day that marked the end of the first world was. After was for continuous 4 years the guns were silent. This momentous event is marked on the 11th of November (11 month) at the 11th hour 1918.

Today it is 100 Years since this occurred for the first time. During this was 300 000 Australians were involved overseas in this was from 1914-1918. 60 000 Australians lost their lives.

The Poppy Story Video Explanation

What does the Poppy Symbolise?


The red of the poppy symbolises the blood that was shed of all those men and woman who gave their lives.


The black of the poppy represents the mourning for those who didn’t have loved ones returning.


The green leaf of the poppy represents the grass and crops growing and the future prosperity after the was destroyed so much. The leaf is meant to be positioned at 11 o’clock and this represents the 11th day at the 11th hour that the war ended.

Afternoon Teapot Time & Anzac Biscuits

 I love to couple little chats with my children with a learning experience and memory.

We made ANZAC biscuits. These biscuits were eaten by soldiers in the trenches. We try and sit in the afternoon for 15 or so minutes and have a pot of tea and chats. We appreciate the soldiers who are today sent to fight battles overseas to protect us in Australia.

It is so important that our children know that people in our past have paid a price for us to have our freedom. Freedom always involves sacrifice. There is a cost to freedom. A fight between good and evil. Just like there is in the physical so it is in the spiritual. Freedom involves blood.

Spiritually Jesus was a sacrifice. He was a sacrifice so we can be free spiritually. We can have a relationship with Our Heavenly Father because of the Jesus dying on the cross.

ANZAC Colouring In Resource

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