Do you want to spend less time planning and more time playing?
Are you an Early Learning Professional working with young children? Do you feel you would love training + resources created to help you to spend more time playing rather than planning?
Incuded in the Starskills Club are my top resources that I have created and used to save me time in my own teaching.
Printables & Templates
The Starskills Club for Educators includes 50 of my best resources that will help you to get organised and set up things quickly in your early learning setting. From curriculum plans, quick learning centres, easy changable sensory play, EYLF templates and so much more!
EYLF Explained Professional Development
I also created an “EYLF Explained” video training to help educators understand this framework. This series is designed to go through each element within the Early Years Learning Framework. It includes practical examples that you can implement in your early learning setting.